Results of a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) baseline assessment for the Western Park Golf Course south of the village of Glenfield
These two documents have been prepared by RSK Biocensus, on behalf of Glenfield Parish Council to present the results of a Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) baseline assessment for the Western Park Golf Course south of the village of Glenfield, Leicestershire (Grid Ref SK 53451 05067).
The BNG Assessment provides:
• a detailed methodology, including assumptions, for undertaking the BNG assessment; and,
• the baseline biodiversity value of habitats within the Application Site prior to any future developments
Whilst the second document presents the results of a preliminary ecological appraisal (PEA), comprising a background data search and a UKHab habitat survey. This report has been produced to outline any constraints to potential development of the site. The appraisal was based on the red line boundary plan of the development site.
The site is located to the south of the village of Glenfield, west of Leicester and makes up a sub-section of the former Western Park Golf Course. Adjacent to the red line boundary of the site is the Western Park Golf Course Local Wildlife Site (LWS). The site and the LWS share a common boundary on the east edge over 800m.