27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Glenfield


This page allows you to advise the Parish Manager of any village problems which need attention.

These include faults i.e. Road Potholes, Street Lights Out, Faulty Play Equipment, Vandalism, Bins Full/Broken or any matters which you wish to bring to the attention of the council. Some matters will not be the responsibility of the parish council so all they can do is report them to the appropriate authority.

Please give us contact details so that we can clarify any details and report on progress?

* Required Field

Please complete this form to report a matter in our area that requires attention.

I agree with the handling of my data in accordance with Glenfield Parish Council's privacy policy.

Please send a picture of the fault if you feel it will help.

Last updated: Wed, 20 Dec 2023 15:27