27th September 2024

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Serving the people of Glenfield


Amongst the 'green' spaces within the village over and above those providing for sport and general recreation, there are others serving specific purposes but which are still wildlife friendly. This includes the churchyard and ruined church area and the allotments beside it.

"Glebe Allotments" is located with the main entrance off Main Street and a pedestrian access from Glebe Close.

Allotments have become very popular over recent years and enquiries regarding any vacant plots should be directed to the Parish Council Office. There is a modest rental for the allotments which come in three sizes. Rental includes the cost of the maintenance of the area, driveway, shelter, notice board and hedges and the cost of the water supply.

The Parish Council has an additional set of allotments off Mill Lane - "Mill Lane Allotments". This site accommodates 20 full sized allotments but some have been sub-divided. This land has been pasture land in the flood plain and as such is very fertile and productive.

Plots are available to non-residents but these are not subsidised to the same extent as they are to residents of Glenfield. NB A Glenfield resident on the "Waiting List" will take precedent over a non-resident of Glenfield.

The pricing structure for the season January 1st 2024 – December 31st 2024 is:

Large Plot 167 - 260 square metres £60.50 residents of the village (non-resident £121)

Medium Plot 100 - 166 square metres £33.00 residents of the village (non-resident £66)

Small Plot up to 99 square metres £16.50 residents of the village (non-resident £33)

A £50 refundable deposit to be taken when a new tenancy is agreed. (Deposit will not accrue interest)

The tenant shall not erect any building or other permanent structure on any plot on the Glebe Allotments nor fence any plot at either site without first obtaining the written consent of the Council. Council will consider requests for huts on plots on the Mill Lane Allotment Gardens provided that:

i) They are to be located on plots in excess of 180 square metres

ii) They are not more than two metres high at the highest point and have a floor space no greater than 2.5 square metres. Requests in writing for buildings in excess of this size will be considered by the Parish Council.

iii) Any glazing should be with a safety material and not glass.

iv) There shall be no hard standing as a base

v) It will be erected on the southern extremity of the plot.

vi) A £50.00 refundable deposit to be applied when a request is made for a shed to be sited on a Mill Lane plot (subject to existing terms & conditions in respect of sheds on Mill Lane). Said deposits would not accrue interest.

Please contact the Parish Office, if you wish to enquire about any plot vacancies or have your name added to a waiting list. Alternatively you can submit your request on-line.

Last updated: Thu, 30 May 2024 11:47