Agendas & Minutes
The quickest and easiest way to find agendas and minutes is to view our Council Meetings Calendar, here you will find all papers associated with each meeting linked to the calendar entry.
All of our documents are stored in our document management system (DMS) where you can also view our agendas and minutes. You can set the filter to select documents of interest.
Full Council meetings -
The Council supports the principles of openness and transparency in its decision making and supports the video or audio recording by the public and press of meetings that are open to the public, for either live or subsequent broadcast.
The Council records its meetings to act as an aide memoire for the production of the minutes.
(Retention of data - following ratification by the Council of the minutes of the meeting said recording will be deleted)
Out of courtesy to members and the public in attendance please advise the Chairman of the meeting if you are recording or filming a meeting.